Entries by admin

Workshop poem wins Washington Post contest

The Washington Post’s KidsPost page held a nationwide contest for the ten best student poems of the year. Sixth grader Gerome Wood won and his poem “Yes!” was published in the newspaper on April 26. Here’s a hyperlink to the online edition.

Hart sweeps 6th grade in Junior League contest

In the Junior League of Washington’s 23rd Annual Youth Poetry Contest, our Hart Middle School students had six winners. Our writers swept the 6th grade prizes: 1st place to Gerome Wood, 2nd place to Jayla McMillian, and 3rd place to Tailyn Trapp. Crystal Rogers won 2nd place in the 7th grade competition and both of Jazzmen […]

Students win 2022 Parkmont Poetry Contest

In the 40th Annual Parkmont Poetry Festival, seventeen Workshop students were finalists and seven were winners: Javeon Brown, Xavier Carson, Esson Godbolt, Jayla McMillian, and Trus’ Stevens from Hart Middle School, and Leondre Johnson and Christa Madikaegbu from Ballou Senior High School. Congratulations!

Workshop students win in 2021 Parkmont Poetry Contest

Although altered by COVID-19, the Parkmont Poetry Festival continued in 2021 and nine Workshop students were semifinalists. Four of them were winners. In fact, they were the only students from regular neighborhood DC public schools to win. Congratulations to DeMarco Randolph for “The Real Me,” Rahnell Jordan for “Hood,” Atrayu Lee for “My Imagination,” and […]